Monday, November 29, 2010

TMI Essay Response

In Term Papers, Google, and Library Anxiety, Ann Donahue and Carolyn Gamtso discuss at length the challenges that face students who need to find sources for research projects.  The authors state that library anxiety has been a constant problem for generations of students, even as library services have developed and made research an easier process.  Whereas students might once have feared digging through a library’s collection of journals to locate a single article, today’s students are presented with a staggering amount of information from something as simple as a Google search.  The authors’ main point in the essay is that the student who conquers library anxiety is one who possesses information literacy: a skill that allows a student to evaluate sources being considered for research projects by their timeliness, relevancy, and credibility.  The information literate student is one who can thrive in a TMI-filled world.